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About Me
& Transformation

Hello, I am Hande! I am one of the messengers of the “New Humanity” and the “New Era” during this transformation process. You may have heard of this new era as the age of Aquarius, the age of Crystal Consciousness, the Age of Love, or as the Age of the Awakening of Feminine Energy.

The awakening of feminine energy represents a profound shift in consciousness towards embracing feminine qualities and values, irrespective of gender. It encompasses the resurgence of nurturing, intuitive, empathetic, and compassionate aspects traditionally associated with the feminine. It is a movement towards a more balanced and harmonious existence, drawing on the strengths of both feminine and masculine energies for a more equitable and compassionate world.

We are all in the process of big changes. The old patterns of the old energy; such as excess of logic, competition, lack of compassion, no longer serve us. The old system that existed in the world thus far is dying, so we are here to create a new system where Love and Intuition become our strongest forces.

Whilst we are in this process of change, we may find ourselves in energetic imbalance or blocked due to not being able to bare anymore the energies which are not those of Love and Light.

Reiki Master istanbul Hande Özerden
Reiki Master Hande Ozerden, About Me

It is in this instance, that Reiki may help us to find our balance, to release us from our heavy emotional layers, and to align ourselves with our New Being, to raise ourselves to a vibration where we can open our wings and fly; where we can be ourselves despite all the consequences.

I am a master/teacher and a therapist of Usui Tantric Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Prakriti Reiki and Sekhem Seichim (Egyptian) Reiki.

I was born in 1977 in Istanbul. I lived the first 5 years of my life with 5 women only from my family including my great-grandmother. In the following years, I left with my mother to live by ourselves, when in Turkey those days there was not much appreciation of the single woman living alone. After I lived and observed the exclusion and the suffering of the feminine energy to such a high degree, I decided to work with emotional healing methods.

In 1997, I left Turkey and lived in England and Spain for 18 years. At the moment, I am based in Istanbul and travel to London and Barcelona to offer Reiki trainings.

I also studied Political Science, Photography, and Sound Healing.

Reiki Master Teacher Hande, Transformation
Reiki Master Teacher, Hande Ozerden

Transformation of Feminine and Masculine Energies

I work to empower and free the true nature of feminine energy, which in its core is grace, wisdom, creativity and compassion, – both in men and women, as a means of finding the balance between masculine and feminine.

I am also looking forward to the awakening of the authentic masculine energy, which will be the protector and the manifestation of the free/ true expression of feminine energy in this world. This is a part of our evolution as human beings on the path to Truth, Peace and Love.

Using Reiki as a means of finding this balance, I give Usui Tantric Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Prakriti Reiki and Sekhem Seichim (Egyptian) Reiki trainings and individual healing sessions in Istanbul, London and Barcelona.

Book a session now!

Here is an interview I gave about Reiki and me:
