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Reiki Training Courses

Tibetan Usui Reiki Training Courses and
Attunements for the New Consciousness and the Awakening of Humanity

reiki master teacher hande
I recommend starting a Reiki training course with

Usui Tibetan Reiki

. It now comes to us as Usui Master thought, from more than 100 years ago in Japan and also from the wisdom that the ancient Tibetan monks left us in their sacred manuscripts. It was developed in 1986 by Takata, one of Usui’s students, and her team through the study of Tibetan sacred writings.In these New Consciousness energies, where we evolve with the idea of learning through awareness rather than suffering, it is known as one of the best types of Reiki and one of the most effective initiation energy practices, causing the least healing crisis. It is a very powerful yet a very gentle energy.
reiki training courses

How to Learn Reiki?

Reiki attunements (initiations)

were sent to humanity as gifts in this era of great change, to help us leave behind the methodical, didactic and unloving patterns of the old system.The student is connected, by the Reiki master through the use of sacred geometry symbols, to an infinite life energy channel that may have been disconnected throughout their life. They learn how to connect to that channel by themselves and from that moment onwards their evolution with Reiki depends on how much they work with that channel.

Reiki Attunements and Initiations: A Deep Cleansing and Healing Process

In Reiki trainings, the energy received during the attunement ceremonies is a profound healing. Our

Kundalini energy

begins to activate at our own pace. We can divide our lives into “before” and “after” this experience. It is a powerful new beginning and a significant transformation in a person’s life. The burdens that do not belong to our essence—those we’ve been given throughout our lives or have taken on out of fear—begin to lift quickly.

We experience this intense healing and cleansing process after each level of Reiki training, lasting between 21 days to 3 months. These practices lead us to take a major step towards knowing ourselves better, accepting, and loving ourselves as we are. We learn to be more restrained with our ego and begin to view ourselves and the world from a more authentic, pure place. The emotions and thoughts of others no longer affect us as they once did. Instead of seeking validation from others, we recognize who we are and our unique purpose, gathering the strength to fulfill it.

In this way, our suppressed or yet-to-be-discovered talents are set free. We learn to listen to our intuition, creativity, the healing power of the infinite love within us, the voice of our heart, and to attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.

reiki initiations attunements

The Levels of Usui Tibetan Reiki Training Course

Usui Tibetan Reiki training is given on 4 levels. The physical illnesses or discomforts can be healed with attunement and the knowledge that is obtained at

Reiki Level 1

. Healing of emotional and mental illnesses and sending healing energy over a distance are learnt at

Reiki Level 2

. These first two levels are recommended to be received over 2 days consecutive training.

Reiki Level 3


Reiki Level 4 (reiki master level)

of training, the reiki energy that is received through the initiations are much stronger than during the first two levels. Hence, the healing process that had already started in the student through the first attunements, is deepened and the strength of healing energy that they can give to themselves and to others increases. Especially, within terminal illnesses such as cancer, these can be healed even more effectively.

The student should wait at least 3 months before passing on to Level 3, after receiving the first two levels, as the reiki energy that is received within these first two levels starts a healing process in the student that will last at least 3 months. As a result of this, they need time to assimilate and establish the changes this healing process brings to their life.

After attaining the fourth level Reiki course, which is the instructor/master level of Usui Tibetan Reiki, one can continue their journey and learning with more advanced forms of Reiki, such as Karuna – Prakriti Reiki and Sekhem – Seichim (Egyptian) Reiki.
reiki therapy
Learning Reiki
Reiki Course with Sound Healing

Who Can Learn and Practice Reiki?

Reiki is a gift sent by God/the Universe to all children without discrimination, and thus, the ability to attune to this energy channel is not restricted by any level of intelligence or spiritual evolution. Everyone can learn and practice Reiki for self healing and healing others. However, progressing and deepening in this art, as with anything else, depends on how much effort we put into it.

In every level of Reiki training, a manual is given, and in the completion of the training, an internationally recognized Reiki certification is awarded.

The course is accompanied by sound healing.

Before each training, a free interview is conducted to help the individual become aware of what a Reiki training represents in their life.

Come to play through Reiki Training in the infinite and boundless field of Unconditional Love! Surrender all your fears to the Light and connect with your Guides and Higher Self… Connect with your Essence!

What is Reiki? Reiki Master Hande Ozerden

The training certificate is not an official professional qualification document in Turkey, and these services do not replace medical treatment. For more details, please review our Legal Disclaimer page.
